Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Board Ratifies FY ’19 Budget and Approves Standing Committees at February Meeting

MARTA Also Unveils ATL Branding Implementation

After its morning work session today, the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Board of Directors met in its first official meeting of 2019 and ratified its FY19 budget in the amount of $4,831,922, adopted standing committees, and approved their 2019 Board Meeting calendar.

“The board is committed to being good stewards of taxpayers’ dollars including leveraging federal funds when possible. An example of this is that a large portion of this budget leverages 80% federal funds,” said Charlie Sutlive, ATL board chair. “With the adoption of our standing committees, these smaller working groups will help us assess the most efficient and effective ways to drive connectivity and mobility therefore enhancing economic development opportunities throughout the region.”

The ATL’s standing committees will consider a wide range of planning, funding, management and policy decisions and provide recommendations to the full board. The Board approved the following standing committees and chairs:

  • Administrative Committee – Earl Ehrhart
  • Marketing and Communications Committee – Mark Toro
  • Regional Technology Committee – Marsha Anderson Bomar
  • Legislative Committee – Charlotte Nash
  • Regional Transit Planning – Charlie Sutlive

Jennifer Jinadu-Wright, Senior Director of Marketing at MARTA also presented the agency’s plan for implementing the ATL brand. Wright revealed that some MARTA buses already have rolled out with the ATL logo co-branded with the MARTA logo and will be also included in their route maps as well.

“Today’s presentation from MARTA further illustrates that regional transit is truly a collaborative process,” noted Chris Tomlinson, ATL Interim Executive Director. “We will continue to work closely with our transit partners to determine how to best incorporate the ATL brand and provide first-class transit service across the Atlanta region.”

The next meeting of the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Board of Directors is scheduled for March 7, 2019.

About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was established by HB 930 to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing a Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly — projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on The ATL, visit and follow us Twitter and Facebook.

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