Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Committee Meetings and Specially Called Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for January 5, 2023

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: December 29, 2022
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Committee Meetings and Specially Called Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for January 5, 2023

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board Committee Meetings and its Specially Called Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, January 5, 2023, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

The Regional Transit Planning Committee Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m., and each subsequent committee meeting will begin as the previous meeting ends.

The Specially Called ATL Board of Directors Meeting will begin at 9:45 a.m. or immediately following the Administrative Committee meeting should that meeting extend beyond 9:45 am.

To view the Committee and Board agendas and options to connect remotely, visit

Meeting Schedule:
Regional Transit Planning Committee
Xpress Operations Committee
Administrative Committee
Specially Called ATL Board of Directors Meeting


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.



The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Has Published Its Annual Report and Audit for FY22

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: December 28, 2022
The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Has Published Its Annual Report and Audit for FY22

An overview of transit planning, funding, and operations in the Atlanta region

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) recently released the fourth iteration of the Annual Report and Audit, highlighting data trends for Metro Atlanta Transit. This report serves as a robust analysis of transit service in the region and demonstrates the need for sustained investment in transit and how accessibility varies across the 13-county region. The publication dives into how the metro region is performing within a national context and examines how transit will need to adapt in an ever-changing post-pandemic world.

The ARA not only highlights the performance of the transit network across 11 operators but also evaluates how public transportation contributes to economic competitiveness by enhancing equity in access to jobs, services, and opportunities in the region.

Overall, the ARA:

  • Heightens the region’s understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of its transit network
  • Informs decision-making regarding investments in public transportation
  • Enhances transparency and holds the region accountable for effectively meeting people’s mobility needs

For more information, see the attached fact sheet and download the 2022 ARA at  Interview opportunities to speak with ATL leadership regarding the report and audit are also available. To schedule an interview, please contact ATL Communications and Media Director Tiffany McCall at 470-249-7531 or via email at [email protected].


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.



Xpress Transit Operations Winter Travel Advisory

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: December 20, 2022
Xpress Transit Operations Winter Travel Advisory
Xpress Services Are Suspended for Friday, December 23rd
Due to Anticipated Freezing Rain and Hazardous Road Conditions

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) will suspend all Xpress transit services for Friday, December 23rd, ahead of the anticipated severe weather conditions projected by the National Weather Service in its winter weather advisory. In addition, the Xpress Retail center located at 245 Peachtree Center will be closed Friday, December 23rd.

“The National Weather Service has forecasted light freezing rain with potential ice accumulations for Friday, making the morning commute hazardous for travel,” said Heather Aquino, SRTA Interim Executive Director. “The safety of our customers and employees are of great importance, and the approaching inclement weather conditions requires us to suspend all Xpress service and close our retail center for Friday.”

The Xpress Call Center will accept incoming calls from customers from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Friday, December 23rd.

Normal operations will resume Tuesday, December 27th after observance of the holiday.

Ericka B. Davis Tiffany L. McCall Chief Communications Officer Communications & Media Director 404-893-3033 office 404-893-3025 office 404-226-9339 cell 470-249-7531 cell [email protected] [email protected]
Customers are advised to check, Xpress Facebook page, @XpressGA on Twitter and local media outlets for the latest service updates.

About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.



Statement on the Passing of House Speaker David Ralston

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: November 17, 2022

Statement on the Passing of House Speaker David Ralston

From the State Road & Tollway Authority, Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, and the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL)


ATLANTA –We are deeply saddened to hear of the untimely passing of House Speaker David Ralston. The Boards and teams of the State Road & Tollway Authority, Georgia Regional Transportation Authority, and the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL) share in the loss and grief with his wife Sheree, their children, his loved ones, and friends, as well as the Speaker’s Staff and members of the Georgia Legislature.


Speaker Ralston was a true advocate for transportation and the citizens of Georgia. His leadership led to the creation of the ATL, and his legacy will endure in the countless ways he influenced and improved public policy in our state.  His steady hand in guiding the General Assembly will be greatly missed. We will continue to keep his immediate family, his District, and his Capitol family in our thoughts and prayers.


-Heather Aquino, Interim Executive Director


About the State Road and Tollway Authority, Georgia Regional Transportation Authority and Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority


The State Road & Transportation Authority (SRTA) is a state-level, independent authority created to operate tolled transportation facilities within Georgia and act as the transportation financing arm for the state. SRTA manages the collection of tolls on Georgia’s Express Lanes System through the use of Peach Pass. SRTA is combined with the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority (GRTA) to jointly provide the services of both state authorities. The GRTA board oversees developments of regional impact, air quality reporting and regional transportation plan approval. The Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL) provides coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL also oversees the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system.




Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Board of Directors Committee Meetings Scheduled for November 3, 2022, beginning at 8:30 a.m.

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: October 27, 2022

Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Board of Directors Committee Meetings Scheduled for November 3, 2022, beginning at 8:30 a.m.


ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board Committee Meetings on Thursday, November 3, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

The Xpress Operations Committee Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m., and each subsequent committee meeting will begin as the previous meeting ends.

To view the Committee agendas and options to watch remotely, visit

Meeting Schedule:

  • Xpress Operations Committee Agenda
  • Administrative Committee Agenda
  • Regional Transit Planning Committee Agenda


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for October 6, 2022, at 8:30 a.m.

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: September 29, 2022

Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold 
Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for October 6, 2022, at 8:30 a.m.


ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board Meeting on Thursday, October 6, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

To view the Board agendas and options to connect remotely, visit


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Governor Kemp, Lt. Governor Duncan, and Speaker Ralston make appointments to the ATL Board

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: September 16, 2022

Governor Kemp, Lt. Governor Duncan, and Speaker Ralston make appointments to the ATL Board

Governor reappoints Charlie Sutlive to serve as Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Board Chairman

On September 15, 2022, Governor Brian Kemp, Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, and House Speaker David Ralston announced appointments to the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Board. Governor Kemp reappointed Mr. Charlie Sutlive to serve as the Board Chairman, effective immediately. Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan reappointed Mr. Teddy Russell and appointed Mr. Dan Buyers who will fill the seat vacated by Mr. Mark Toro when his term expired on September 14,2022. Both appointments are effective immediately. Speaker Ralston reappointed Ms. Charlotte J. Nash, effective immediately. Mr. Earl Ehrhart, whose term expires January 2023, continues to serve as an appointee of the Speaker.

“As more and more people choose to live in the best state to call home, work, and raise a family, the importance of a reliable, efficient transit system also continues to grow,” said Governor Kemp. “That’s why I’m glad Chairman Sutlive and the rest of the ATL will continue their work on creating a mobility network worthy of a well-connected metro region that is able to meet the challenges and opportunities of its expanding population.”

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system.

“A robust transportation and logistics infrastructure is essential in order to continue to drive economic development, both in the metro Atlanta region and state-wide,” said Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan. “These appointees to the ATL Board are well-equipped to tackle not just the transportation issues of today, but those our state will be faced with in years to come. I have full faith that the ATL Board will continue to leverage Georgia’s strategic assets in order to develop comprehensive strategies to secure our reputation as the best state in which to do business for years to come.”

The ATL is governed by a 16-member Board of Directors, consisting of members elected by state legislators and local government leaders to represent each of the region’s ten ATL Transit Districts, appointed members, and one non-voting member.

“Our cooperative, collaborative approach to transit planning is key to both quality of life and economic development in and around Metropolitan Atlanta going forward,” said Speaker David Ralston (R-Blue Ridge). “As more businesses and workers demand access to safe, convenient transit solutions, our investments in this critical infrastructure will reap dividends for generations to come. I applaud the members of the ATL Board on their work thus far and look forward to more success in the future.”


Charlie Sutlive, Chairman, Governor Brian Kemp Appointee

Charlie Sutlive is the vice president of corporate communication at Georgia Power. In this role, he is responsible for leading Georgia Power’s overall communication efforts with internal and external stakeholders, including advertising, creative and production services, electronic communications, employee communications, media relations and social media efforts. Prior to joining Georgia Power in 2018 as director of corporate communications, he served as the vice chancellor for communications and governmental affairs for the University System of Georgia (USG) where he led the development and execution of communications, public affairs and economic development plans for USG’s 26 colleges and universities. He has held multiple leadership positions for some of the largest and most recognizable companies in the world, including MCI, which is now part of Verizon Communications, McKesson, and Coca-Cola North America. Sutlive currently serves on the REACH Georgia Foundation board and the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism & Mass Communication Alumni Board. He is also a graduate of and previously served on the board for Leadership Georgia. Sutlive earned a bachelor’s degree in Public Relations from the University of Georgia.


Teddy Russell, Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan Appointee

Teddy Russell is the owner and CEO of Russell Landscape, a family business which his father, Bill Russell, started in 1987.  He professionally joined Russell Landscape in 2002 shortly after graduating from the University of Georgia, Terry College of Business. Under Teddy’s leadership, Russell Landscape has over 500 employees with ten locations that cover four states.   A hallmark of Teddy’s leadership and the company is the importance of employee and community engagement.  He is also involved in many professional and philanthropic efforts including the PruittCares Foundation, the Gwinnett Boys & Girls Club Board, the Community of NE GA Foundation, the Executive board of Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce and is the Chairman for the University System of GA Foundation and National Association of Landscape Professional Foundation.   Teddy and his wife Courtney have three children.

Dan Buyers, Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan Appointee

Dan Buyers joined McWhirter Realty Partners in 1994 and became a Partner in 2016. He specializes in land sales, site selection and office/medical office brokerage. Dan is an active member of the community and the commercial real estate industry, serving on multiple boards including the Cobb County-Marietta Water Authority (Vice-Chair), the Town Center Community Improvement District (Vice Chair), the Atlanta Commercial Board of REALTORS®, the Cobb Community Foundation, the Cobb Chamber of Commerce, the Council for Quality Growth, and the Wellstar Foundation. Dan earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Real Estate from the University of Georgia.

Charlotte Nash, Speaker David Ralston Appointee

Charlotte J. Nash’s career with Gwinnett County spans almost four decades, first as a staff member and then as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. She has been active in multiple civic and governmental organizations at the local, regional, and state level. Her roles have included board member for the Atlanta Regional Commission, board chair for the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District, and President of the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG). She currently serves on the board for the ATL, the regional transit authority, as an appointee of Georgia House Speaker David Ralston. She was recognized by Georgia Trend magazine in 2020 as a Georgia Legacy Leader based on lifetime contributions to the State. Charlotte is a lifelong resident of the Dacula/Harbins area of Gwinnett County and holds a BBA from the University of Georgia. She and her husband, Michael, have two children, two grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Board of Directors Committee Meetings Scheduled for September 1, 2022, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: August 26, 2022

Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold 
Committee Meetings and Specially Called Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for September 1, 2022


ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board Committee Meetings and its Specially Called Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, September 1, 2022, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

The Xpress Operations Committee Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m., and each subsequent committee meeting will begin as the previous meeting ends.

The Specially Called ATL Board of Directors Meeting will begin at 10 a.m. or immediately following the Regional Transit Planning Committee meeting should that meeting extend beyond 10 am.

To view the Committee and Board agendas and options to connect remotely, visit

Meeting Schedule:

Xpress Operations Committee

Administrative Committee

Regional Technology Committee

Regional Transit Planning Committee

Specially Called ATL Board of Directors Meeting


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Specially Called Regional Transit Planning Committee Meeting Scheduled for August 19, 2022, beginning at 3 p.m.

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: August 11, 2022
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Specially Called
Regional Transit Planning Committee Meeting Scheduled for August 19, 2022, beginning at 3 p.m.

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

To view the Board agenda and options to connect remotely, visit


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for August 4, 2022, at 8:30 a.m.

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: July 19, 2022
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold 
Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for August 4, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. 

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board Meeting on Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

To view the Board agenda and options to connect remotely, visit



About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




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