Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Awarded $250,000 from Federal Transit Administration to Fund Efforts to Restore Xpress Ridership

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Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: June 7, 2022
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Awarded $250,000 from Federal Transit Administration to Fund Efforts to Restore Xpress Ridership

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL) is among fifty recipients selected to receive funds from the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) $25 million Route Planning Restoration Program under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. The ATL will be awarded $250,000 to fund its efforts to enhance Xpress transit ridership. Like many transit operators in the metropolitan Atlanta region, Xpress saw ridership decline due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Funding from the FTA’s Route Planning Restoration Program can be used for transit route planning designed to increase ridership, reduce travel times, and make service adjustments to increase the quality or frequency of transit service for low-income riders and disadvantaged neighborhoods or communities.

At the ATL’s June 2nd Xpress Operations Committee meeting, Dr. Jamie Fischer, Director of Transportation Performance, and Innovation reported that during the pandemic, Xpress experienced a dramatic decline in ridership similar to all transit operators in the metro Atlanta region. The ATL has instituted several initiatives aimed at increasing ridership since the pandemic which included enhanced safety measures on Xpress coaches, suspending fares, implementing a contactless mobile payment option, and most recently offering a 50% fare discount incentive from June through July available on its contactless mobile app, Token Transit.

Dr. Fischer advised the Board that while Xpress has seen a clear increase in ridership and the numbers are steadily rising, they are still hovering around 25% of pre-pandemic levels. The grant that the ATL has received is both timely and needed to support the ATL’s efforts in exploring how to further enhance ridership within the Xpress system.

In its application for the Route Planning Restoration Program, the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority focused on the need to develop a “Return to Ridership” plan for ATL’s Xpress commuter bus service that would focus on growing ridership; assessing new regional travel behaviors and commute patterns; soliciting public input and accounting for the needs of low income, disadvantaged, and environmental justice populations throughout the metro Atlanta region; and coordinating with local and county governments, social service providers, employers, and the Metropolitan Planning Organization.

“We are pleased to receive this award from the FTA which will go a long way in helping us increase our ridership as we continue to provide high quality and efficient transit service throughout the 13-county metropolitan Atlanta region,” said ATL Interim Executive Director, Heather Aquino.


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Specially Called Committee Meetings and Board of Directors Meeting Scheduled for June 2, 2022

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: May 26, 2022

The Specially Called Committee Meetings will begin at 8:30 am and the Board of Directors Meeting will immediately follow at 9:30 am

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold two specially called Board Committee Meetings and its Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, June 2, 2022, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Marquis One, Suite 2300, Atlanta, GA 30303.

The Specially Called Xpress Operations Committee Meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and upon adjournment will be followed by the Specially Called Administrative Committee meeting.

The ATL Board of Directors Meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. or immediately following the Specially Called Administrative Committee meeting should that meeting extend beyond 9:30 am.

To view the Committee and Board agendas and options to watch remotely, visit


Meeting Schedule:
▪ Specially Called Xpress Operations Committee Meeting (8:30 a.m.)
▪ Administrative Committee Meeting (Upon adjournment of Xpress Operations committee meeting)
▪ Board of Directors Meeting (9:30 a.m. or upon adjournment of Administrative committee meeting if it adjourns after 9:30 a.m.)


About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




Face Coverings No Longer Mandatory for Xpress Commuters Effective April 18, 2022

ATL Logo

Office of Communications & Engagement
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 2200 • Atlanta, GA 30303

Ericka B. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
o: 404-893-3033 | c: 404-226-9339 |  [email protected]

Tiffany L. McCall
Communications and Media Relations Director
o: 404-893-3025 | c: 404-240-7531 | [email protected]

For Immediate Public Notice: April 19, 2022

Face Coverings No Longer Mandatory for Xpress Commuters Effective April 18, 2022 


Ruling follows The White House announcement that the Transportation Security Administration will no longer enforce the federal mandate

ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that face coverings are no longer mandatory for Xpress commuters effective April 18, 2022.

As of Monday, April 18, masks are optional for all Xpress employees, and customers. Employees and customers that wish to still wear masks may continue if they choose. This announcement follows the ruling of a U.S. district court judge on Monday, along with the Biden administration announcement that the Transportation Security Administration will no longer enforce the federal mandate requiring the public to wear masks while on airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, and ride-shares. This also applies to travelers in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and seaports; train, bus and subway stations and any other areas that provide transportation.

Given the unexpected nature and timing of the federal announcement, please be patient with others who may not be aware that enforcement is no longer required. Xpress is in the process of updating bus header and onboard communication systems about the change to a mask optional policy.

ATL Xpress transit services is committed to doing its part in slowing the spread of the coronavirus while continuing to provide critical services to customers that rely on public transit. The enhanced cleaning regimen for Xpress with a combination of daily cleaning of high touch areas using products promoted to eliminate 99,9 % of germs will continue. Ericka B. Davis Tiffany L. McCall Chief Communications Officer Communications & Media Director 404-893-3033 office 404-893-3025 office 404-226-9339 cell 470-249-7531 cell [email protected] [email protected]
For additional information visit Customer service representatives will be available Monday – Friday from 5:30 A.M. – 8:30 P.M. at 844-XPRSSGA (977-7742) and riders may also sign up for alerts by texting XPRESS to 888777 for additional information.

About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority

The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.




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