Notifying the Public of and Requesting Comment on Proposed Service Changes for Xpress Commuter Bus Service
In compliance with requirements, guidelines, and service standards outlined in its Title VI program, the Xpress Commuter Bus service managed by the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL) is considering proposed service changes to continue with the level of service currently being delivered. Comment is requested on the proposed service changes. The formal public comment period
begins on May 11, 2021 and concludes on June 11, 2021.
Additional information about the proposed service changes for Xpress commuter bus service may be found on the Xpress and ATL websites at or at the physical address below.
There will be an opportunity to present comments verbally at a public hearing taking place on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 from 12:00 PM until 2:00 PM, and 6:00PM until 8:00PM in the ATL Board Room on the 23rd floor of Marquis 1 Tower:
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, NE Suite 2300 Atlanta, GA 30303
The public hearing will follow CDC health guidelines, including social distancing, face covering recommendations, and making hand
sanitizer available.
Comments on the proposed service changes for Xpress commuter bus service may be submitted to:
ATL Title VI Program
245 Peachtree Center Avenue, NE
Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30303
By telephone:
(404) 893-2100
In person:
Public hearings are scheduled for:
Tuesday May 25th @ 245 Peachtree Center Ave, NE – 23rd Floor
12:00PM-2:00PM and 6:00PM-8:00PM
Persons wishing to comment orally may also email the applicable address above to schedule a call back from ATL staff so they may submit their comments.
Please contact ATL at (404) 893-2100 by May 18, 2021 with any request by a person with disabilities or other special needs who requires special assistance in order to participate in the public hearing, if information is needed in another language, or if interpretation is required at the public hearing.
Si la informaciónque se necesita enotro idioma, comuníquese con (404) 893-2100.
如果需要在另一种语言的信息,请联系 (404) 893-2100.
정보가다른언어로필요한경우 (404) 893-2100로문의바랍니다.
Nếu thông tin là cần thiết trongmột ngôn ngữkhác, sau đó liên lạc (404) 893-2100.
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Xpress to Offer Fare-Free Introductory Period for New Hickory Grove Park & Ride Lot Routes from May 3 – September 1, 2021 Fare-Free Promotion For Xpress Routes 484 and 485 Customers Only
For Immediate Release:
April 30, 2021
Xpress to Offer Fare-Free Introductory Period for New Hickory Grove Park & Ride Lot Routes from May 3 – September 1, 2021 Fare-Free Promotion For Xpress Routes 484 and 485 Customers Only
ATLANTA — Xpress commuter transit service will be offering a fare-free introductory period for
Xpress Routes 484 and 485 with the opening of its new Hickory Grove Park & Ride Lot located
at 2018 Hickory Grove Road NW, Acworth, GA 30102. The new lot and routes will service Bartow,
Cherokee and Cobb Counties beginning Monday, May 3, 2021. The fare-free introductory period
will begin with the first day of service and continue until September 1, 2021.
“We are so excited to launch our new routes and be able to provide our riders with a chance to
try the system fare- free for four months,” said Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Executive
Director Chris Tomlinson. “We hope that it encourages more community members in Bartow,
Cherokee and Cobb to utilize the excellent service we provide reducing reliance on personal cars
while reducing traffic over the summer”.
The fare-free promotion will open access to more passengers and attract and engage new riders
who might not otherwise choose public transit as a means of mobility. The agency hopes that the
promotion will also result in long term ridership increases.
From April 2020 to August 2020, Xpress suspended fare collection for customers on all its
existing routes due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Xpress operates 27 routes in 12 metro Atlanta counties that carry more than 1.8 million
passenger trips annually to and from major employment centers in Downtown, Midtown, and
Perimeter Center. Xpress riders are also able to take advantage of riding in the Express Lanes
for free.
About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
About the Xpress Transit System The Xpress regional commuter transit system is operated by the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL). The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold Committee Meetings Meetings Via Teleconference
For Immediate Release:
May 3, 2021
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) to Hold BoardCommittee Meetings Via Teleconference
Xpress Operations, Regional Transit Planning and Administrative Committee Meetings Scheduled for
May 6, 2021, Beginning at 8:30 a.m.
ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold its Board of Directors Committee Meetings via teleconference on Thursday, May 6, 2021, beginning at 8:30 a.m.
The Xpress Operations Committee meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m., and each subsequent committee meeting will begin as the previous meeting ends.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 50-14-1(g), the public will be afforded simultaneous access to all meetings via remote options due to the emergency conditions affecting public safety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meeting Schedule Xpress Operations Committee Regional Transit Planning Committee Administrative Committee Specially Called Board of Directors Meeting
About the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority
The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislative session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. Effective July 1, 2020, the ATL was legislatively authorized to oversee the state’s Xpress regional commuter transit system and the Atlanta region’s vanpool system. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add an additional 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on Xpress and the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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Notifying the public of and requesting comment on the Atlanta Urbanized Area (UZA) FTA Formula Funds Proposed Program of Projects
In compliance with requirements and guidelines outlined in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1B, and the Atlantaregion Transit Link Authority (ATL) Title VI Program, comment is requested on the Atlanta Urbanized Area (UZA) FTA Formula Funds
Program of Projects (POP). The formal public comment period begins April 23, 2021 and concludes May 24, 2021. Click here for more information.
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Holds Board Member Elections
FultonChairmanRobbPitts electedtoDistrict3seat,currentBoardMembers for Districts 1,5,7and9re-
ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) held Board Member elections on March 9th and 10th and has officially announced election results for Districts 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
AndyMackewas re-elected to serve a four-year term. Macke is the Vice President External Affairs at Comcast
Cable. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Georgia and master’s degree in Telecommunications Policy from Georgia Institute of Technology.
District 1 includes all of Cherokee County, and parts of Forsyth and Fulton Counties.
RobbPittswas elected to serve a four-year term replacing Steve Dickerson who did not seek re-election. Pitts is the
Chairman of Fulton County Board of Commissioners. Robb earned his undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate degrees in education, business, languages and Latin American Studies at Ohio University, La Academia Hispanoamericana, Kent State University and La Universidad Interamericana. He has a master’s degree in business administration from Emory University.
District 3 includes parts of Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton and Gwinnett Counties.
TomWeyandtwas re-elected to serve a four-year term. Weyandt is a former transportation policy and planning
official. He has a bachelor’s degree from the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University.
District 5 includes parts of DeKalb and Fulton Counties.
MichaelL.Thurmondwas re-elected to serve a four-year term. Thurmond is the Chief Executive Officer of
DeKalb County. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Religion from Paine College and a Juris Doctorate from the University of South Carolina’s School of Law.
District 7 includes parts of DeKalb and Gwinnett Counties, and all of Rockdale County.
HowardA.Mosbywas re-elected to serve a four-year term. Mosby is the Vice President of Faculty Contracts
Administration in Medical Affairs at Grady Health System. He was elected to the Georgia House of Representatives in 2002 and concluded his service as a member of the General Assembly in December 2018.
District 9 includes parts of Clayton, DeKalb and Henry Counties.
“On behalf of the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority Board, I am pleased to welcome Fulton County Commission Chairman Robb Pitts as the newly elected member for District 3”, said ATL Board Chair, Charlie Sutlive. “I look forward to working with Chairman Pitts and our returning re-elected Board members to continue improving transit and mobility options within the metro Atlanta area.”
The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit in the 13-county metro Atlanta region. Details regarding the ATL Board Election process and election results are summarized below.
The ATL is governed by a 16-member board — 10 of the 16 members represent 10 different “transit districts” that intentionally cross metro-Atlanta county boundaries. Caucuses comprised of local elected officials and State legislators representing each transit district meet to elect their respective transit district’s board member. Per the ATL’s originating legislation, signed in 2018, individuals elected to serve on the ATL board must be a resident of their district who possesses significant experience or expertise in a field that would be beneficial to the accomplishment of the function and purpose of the organization.
ATL Board elections for Districts 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 will take place in 2023. For more information on the Atlanta-
ATLANTA – The Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority announces that it will hold a Specially Called Board Meeting via teleconference on Thursday, March 11, 2021, at 8:30 a.m.
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 50-14-1(g), the ATL is holding this Board Meeting by teleconference due to the emergency conditions affecting public safety caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The public will be afforded simultaneous access to the teleconference meeting by the means described in this notice.
The ATLwascreated bytheGeorgia General Assemblyduring the 2018 legislation session to provide coordinatedtransitplanning and funding forthe metro Atlantaregion.TheATL isresponsible fordeveloping the ATL Regional TransitPlan,aswell asidentifying and prioritizing the projectsand initiativesrequired to develop region-wide transit. The ATLisalso chargedwith creating a unified regional transitsystembrand.Thepopulation ofmetroAtlanta isgrowing rapidlyand projected to add 2.5millionresidentsby2040.The ATL isa criticalstep towardsmore efficientand effectivetransitand mobilityinthe region.Formore information on the ATL,visit followusonTwitterand Facebook.
Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) To Hold Board Elections March 9 & 10
New routes 484 and 485 out of a new park and ride lot in Cobb County for Xpress Commuter Bus Service
Notifying the public of and requesting comment on proposed new routes 484 and 485 out of a new park and ride lot in Cobb County for Xpress Commuter Bus Service.
ATL Board of Directors Approves 2020 ATL Regional Transit Plan (ARTP) and Submits Annual Report and Audit
For Immediate Release: December 4, 2020
ATL Board of Directors Approves 2020 ATL Regional Transit Plan (ARTP) and Submits Annual Report and Audit
ATLANTA – At its December 3, 2020 meeting,the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Board of Directors adopted the 2020 ATL Regional Transit Plan(ARTP).The ARTP received unanimous approval. The ATL Board also presented its 2020 Annual Report and Audit.
“The adoption of the ARTP is another forward step for mobility in our region. It reiterates transit’s role both as an essential service and an economic development driver,” said Charlie Sutlive, Board Chairman.
Originally presented in 2019, the ARTP synthesizes transit projects across the 13-county Atlanta region. The projects seeking federal or state funding driven by regional focus or data driven analysis are prioritized. The ARTP list is the primary source for transit projects to be considered by the ATL Board for inclusion in the federallyrequiredshort-range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and long-range Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The ARTP contains a list of transit projects from which the ATL Board may select and recommend to the state for potential state bond funding.
Key highlights about the 2020 ARTP’s Project List are as follows:
A total of 245 projects were submitted by localgovernments, transit operators, Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) and other project sponsors;
Projects were submitted across all 10 ATL Districts, covering 13 metro Atlanta area counties;
Project investment totaled approximately $29 billion (inclusive of capital, operations and maintenance) over a 20-year period; and
If completed, submitted projects would yield a 5:1 return on investment equivalent to $142 billion.
“Data tells us that an additional 3 million metro Atlanta residents will live and work in the region by 2050, said Chris Tomlinson, Executive Director. “As transit will play a critical role in how we support the region and State of Georgia’s economic growth targets, the ATRP provides a roadmap of strategic options that will help us meet our projected mobility goals. The plan also holds us to solid stakeholder engagement efforts, thereby ensuring that we hear directly from the citizens we seek to serve.
In addition to the adoption of the ARTP, the Board Members were briefed on the ATL’s accomplishments over the last year, including data on how transit partners developed revised operational plans in response to COVID-19.
Annual Report and Audit Submitted to Legislators, Key Partners
As required by law, the ATL Board also forwarded the 2020 Annual Report and Audit (ARA) to the Georgia General Assembly’s House and Senate Transportation Committee members, county leadership and its transit partners.
The 2020 ARA covers transit planning, funding and operations from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. A PDF version of the ARTP and ARA are available at
The next meeting of the Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority (ATL) Board of Directors is scheduled for February 7, 2021.
About the Xpress Transit System
The ATL was created by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2018 legislation session to provide coordinated transit planning and funding for the metro Atlanta region. The ATL is responsible for developing the ATL Regional Transit Plan, as well as identifying and prioritizing the projects and initiatives required to develop region-wide transit. The ATL is also charged with creating a unified regional transit system brand. The population of metro Atlanta is growing rapidly and projected to add 2.5 million residents by 2040. The ATL is a critical step towards more efficient and effective transit and mobility in the region. For more information on the ATL, visit and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.