About the ATL

Officially we’re the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority, but you’ll know us as the ATL. From Cherokee to Coweta, our goal is to better connect transit options across the 13-county region of Atlanta. With the support of our partners, we’ll get metro Atlanta where it needs to go.

Governing Principles

Our foundational values guide our efforts to bring metro Atlanta closer together through a unified transit system.
Economic Development and Land Use

Economic Development and Land Use

Creates or enhances connectivity and access to job centers, activity centers and economic centers in line with the Unified Growth Policy (UGP).
Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Offers new or enhanced services as alternatives to SOV travel, and promoting the use of alternative fuels to build environmentally sustainable communities.


Provides new or expanded service to and from low and moderate income areas to improve connectivity and focusing on investments that better enable people to meet their day-to-day needs.


Uses innovative solutions to improve rider experience, fare collection, cost savings, integration with transit alternatives and more.
Mobility and Access

Mobility and Access

Connects population centers, employment, recreation, using cross-jurisdictional services to create regional connectivity.
Return on Investment

Return on Investment

Ensures that project financing plans are feasible, sound and promotes cost-efficient alternatives for new or enhanced service that enable regional economic opportunity and growth.
ATL Leadership ATL Leadership
Our board is comprised of appointed officials and elected leaders who are guiding the transit plan for our region. View the board member details to learn more about their roles, districts, bios and more.
View Board & Staff

Our Transit Partners

We are proud to collaborate with the transit authorities that millions of Atlantans rely on every day.
The Atlanta Regional Commission and the ATL will work closely together to revise the current regional transit process. They also will work to ensure that the regional transit plan aligns and integrates with TIP and STP processes and funding.
Cherokee Area Transit System (CATS) provides fixed route service in and around Canton and countywide demand response service.
With more than 2.75 million passenger trips annually, CobbLinc provides local bus service, paratransit and FLEX on-demand service within Cobb County as well as commuter bus to and from Downtown and Midtown Atlanta.
Connect Douglas
Connect Douglas provides reliable and accessible transit services in the Douglas County area. Offering a variety of transportation options such as: ADA Paratransit and the Voucher Program. Connect Douglas ensures that residents and visitors can easily navigate the community. With a focus on convenience and customer service, Connect Douglas is committed to improving mobility and connecting people to essential destinations across the region.
Forsyth County Dial-A-Ride
Forsyth County Dial-A-Ride is an on-call public transportation system for use by Forsyth County Residents. Forsyth County is partnering with the ATL on Link Forsyth, the county’s first public transportation master plan.
Coweta Transit
Coweta County provides on-demand transit service to business, commercial and activity centers within the county.
Georgia Department of Transportation plans, designs, constructs, maintains and improves the state's roads and bridges, and interstate highways; and provides planning and financial support for other modes of transportation including rail, transit, general aviation, bicycle, pedestrian programs and waterways.
The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority’s (GRTA) authority over the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Developments of Regional Impact and the Governor’s Development Council remain intact as they exist today. The ATL is administratively attached to GRTA.
Ride Gwinnett
Ride Gwinnett offers express bus, local bus and paratransit service. Commuter express bus service operates between Gwinnett County and downtown and midtown Atlanta. Local bus service connects neighborhoods and businesses to Gwinnett County's many cultural, shopping and educational opportunities.
Henry Connect
Henry County provides on-demand curb-to-curb service on a first-come, first-served reservation basis for all its residents.
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority will have exclusive authority for operating region’s heavy rail system, including any new heavy rail projects. MARTA controls its current local funding and federal formula funding, and its legal contractual obligations are unaffected.
The State Road and Tollway Authority’s (SRTA) tolling, Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank and transportation financing roles remain intact. SRTA’s GO! Transit program will be coordinated with the ATL.
Operated by the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL), Xpress buses provide more than 1.8 million passenger trips every year. They operate 27 routes across 12 metro Atlanta counties providing commuters access to and from major employment centers in Downtown, Midtown, and Perimeter Center.
The Atlanta Regional Commission and the ATL will work closely together to revise the current regional transit process. They also will work to ensure that the regional transit plan aligns and integrates with TIP and STP processes and funding.
Cherokee Area Transit System (CATS) provides fixed route service in and around Canton and countywide demand response service.
With more than 2.75 million passenger trips annually, CobbLinc provides local bus service, paratransit and FLEX on-demand service within Cobb County as well as commuter bus to and from Downtown and Midtown Atlanta.
Connect Douglas
Connect Douglas provides reliable and accessible transit services in the Douglas County area. Offering a variety of transportation options such as: ADA Paratransit and the Voucher Program. Connect Douglas ensures that residents and visitors can easily navigate the community. With a focus on convenience and customer service, Connect Douglas is committed to improving mobility and connecting people to essential destinations across the region.
Forsyth County Dial-A-Ride
Forsyth County Dial-A-Ride is an on-call public transportation system for use by Forsyth County Residents. Forsyth County is partnering with the ATL on Link Forsyth, the county’s first public transportation master plan.
Coweta Transit
Coweta County provides on-demand transit service to business, commercial and activity centers within the county.
Georgia Department of Transportation plans, designs, constructs, maintains and improves the state's roads and bridges, and interstate highways; and provides planning and financial support for other modes of transportation including rail, transit, general aviation, bicycle, pedestrian programs and waterways.
The Georgia Regional Transportation Authority’s (GRTA) authority over the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Developments of Regional Impact and the Governor’s Development Council remain intact as they exist today. The ATL is administratively attached to GRTA.
Ride Gwinnett
Ride Gwinnett offers express bus, local bus and paratransit service. Commuter express bus service operates between Gwinnett County and downtown and midtown Atlanta. Local bus service connects neighborhoods and businesses to Gwinnett County's many cultural, shopping and educational opportunities.
Henry Connect
Henry County provides on-demand curb-to-curb service on a first-come, first-served reservation basis for all its residents.
The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority will have exclusive authority for operating region’s heavy rail system, including any new heavy rail projects. MARTA controls its current local funding and federal formula funding, and its legal contractual obligations are unaffected.
The State Road and Tollway Authority’s (SRTA) tolling, Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank and transportation financing roles remain intact. SRTA’s GO! Transit program will be coordinated with the ATL.
Operated by the Atlanta-region Transit Link Authority (ATL), Xpress buses provide more than 1.8 million passenger trips every year. They operate 27 routes across 12 metro Atlanta counties providing commuters access to and from major employment centers in Downtown, Midtown, and Perimeter Center.
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